French Conversationals

Nov. 30
- 2014 -

Finding hand painted textile designs is becoming more challenging, so when I find a group that is beguiling I snatch them up if I can.

This portfolio of French, hand painted conversationals by M. Bouche is an example of that. They make me smile. They are alluring for their references to international travel and romantic places. Some play the notes of songbirds when I look at them. Created in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. most are borders and all have playful pull outs to toss.

We also love that on some you can see his thought process as he designed. Pencil sketching indicates a repeat or a new motif to include. For us, his doodles become a part of the design without that being Bouche’s intention.

Bouche was a painter and textile designer working in Lyon, France, where he designed for the printing company Delacquis, as well as for others. His studio was on rue Gigodot in Lyon which is an area of the city in which many artists have lived and worked.

Something to admire about Bouche’s talent is the wide variety of styles in which he was able to design. He could paint with thick, full coverage painting. He had a delicate touch with line work. He knew how to use color as light in even seemingly simple designs. What is not to love about these French conversationals?