Flowers, Florists and Blossoms

May. 8
- 2013 -

Now that spring is making way for summer I have become more aware of gardens, flowers and florists. Maybe it is the tapestry of blossoms all over Seattle. Maybe it is all of the special occasions upcoming for which giving flowers is a way to help celebrate. Very likely it is that I have recently become aware of how many of my Designer friends are also florists, floral designers and talented gardeners. Most all of they have been textile and clothing designers along the path of their careers.

Pam Szori, owner of the eclectic, modern and vintage shop Ink & Peat, in Portland, Oregon, was a textile artist and clothing designer in San Francisco before relocating to Portland.

First, she began her floral business and then opened Ink and Peat, to house it. Her delightful shop that has the fragrance of the flowers she offers mixed with modern but organic gifts and house wares in the light filled shop. Her blog illustrates her very clear point of view. Read her blog at HouseMartin.

Another Textile Designer with a flair for floral design is Claire Stegman at Willow Floral. Her taste in floral arranging is for pretty but light hearted, a nice combination when seen in modern settings. Since I think of Claire as a menswear designer, I love that her talent allows her to design feminine floral arrangements after a day designing men’s clothing. Good designers can design anything, I like to say!

My friends who are Textile Designers and Florists will be featured from time to time. Stay tuned!